4th Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop
4th Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop, Hengqin, Zhuhai, June 28-29, 2024
SNMMI 2024
June 8-11 2023, Toronto, Canada
MSNMMI Visit to Zhejiang University and United Imaging
May 24-27, China
The first Sino-German Spring School “Dosimetry-guided Personalized Radiopharmaceutical Therapy”
May 8, 2024, Wuhan, China
MSNMMI Visit to Shanxi Medical University
Aug 27-30, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
SNMMI 2023
June 24-27 2023, Chicago, USA
Seminar, “Medical Artificial Intelligence Imaging Based on the Intersection of Medicine and Engineering”
May 23, 2023, Speaker: Prof. Jianli Hu (SIAT), E11-G015, 3:30-4:30 pm
Seminar, “Radiopharmaceuticals in China: Solid Accumulation and Continuous Innovation”
March 1, 2023, Speaker: Prof. Zhi Yang (Beijing Cancer Hospital), E11-G015, 10-11am
Plenary talk 1: Cellular Membrane-derived Nanovesicles for Cancer Theranostics, Gang Liu, Ph.D., Xiamen University Plenary talk 2: 新型放射性藥物的研發與轉化---核醫學影像的生命力, 蘭曉莉醫生, 華中科技大學協和醫院 Photos
Plenary talk 1: 分子探針的初步臨床轉化研究, 程震 教授, 中國科學院上海藥物研究所 Plenary talk 2: 核醫學診療一體化, 陳躍 教授, 西南醫科大學
MSNMMI & BIG visiting Department of Nuclear Medicine at the Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, Sichuan
MSNMMI & BIG visiting Department of Nuclear Medicine at the Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, Sichuan, June 6-8, 2021
Congrats on Yingqing passing her master defense!
Congrats on Yingqing passing her master defense! June 3, 2021
MSNMMI & BIG visiting Department of Nuclear Medicine at the 1st Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou and attending ONE MI Radiopharmaceutical Conference
MSNMMI & BIG visiting Department of Nuclear Medicine at the 1st Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou and attending ONE MI Radiopharmaceutical Conference April 16-17 2021
MSNMMI & BIG visiting Department of Nuclear Medicine at the 5th Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai.
MSNMMI & BIG visiting Department of Nuclear Medicine at the 5th Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai.
BIG’s celebration on Greta’s N birthday!
BIG’s celebration on Greta’s N birthday! Feb 25 2021
Radiation Detection and Imaging for Homeland Security and Nuclear Medicine
"Radiation Detection and Imaging for Homeland Security and Nuclear Medicine" at 10:30a.m. on 23 December 2020, by Prof. Qingyang Wei, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Congrats on Zhonglin passing her master defense!
Congrats on Zhonglin passing her master defense! Dec 18, 2020
MSNMMI AGM (Nov 7, 2020)
3rd World Laureates Forum
3rd World Laureates Forum (Oct 30-Nov 1, 2020, Shanghai)
2020 Macao Science and Technology Award Ceremony
2020 Macao Science and Technology Award Ceremony, Oct 7 2020
BIG Fun Day
BIG Fun Day (Oct 5, 2020)
Seminar, ” Applications-Inspired Molecular Imaging Instrumentation and Physics Research”
Seminar, " Applications-Inspired Molecular Imaging Instrumentation and Physics Research" by Prof. Youngho SEO, E11-1012, 11am-12pm, January 7, 2020
Farewell to Evan & İlker @ Macau Tower
Farewell to Evan & İlker @ Macau Tower, Dec 19 2019
Congrats to Evan on passing his PhD defense!
Congrats to Evan on passing his PhD defense! Dec 16 2019
MSNMMI Inauguration Ceremony & 2019 Macao Scientific Symposium of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Inauguration Ceremony and 2019 Macao Scientific Symposium of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Lecture Hall of Wu Yee Sun Library, University of Macau, 9:30am-6:20pm, December 8, 2019 [...]
大灣區核醫學和分子影像交流座談會,Dec 7 2019, University of Macau
BIG @ 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference
BIG @ 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 26 - Nov 2 2019
BIG & MSNMMI @首屆粵港澳大灣區核醫學高峰論壇暨核醫學質控與核藥學研討會
BIG & MSNMMI @首屆粵港澳大灣區核醫學高峰論壇暨核醫學質控與核藥學研討會,Oct 26-27 2019
2019年10月26-27日,由广东省医学会、中山大学附属第七医院联合举办的“首届粤港澳大湾区核医学高峰论坛暨核医学质控与核药学研讨会”在中山大学附属第七医院学术厅隆重召开。 全体参会人员合影 参会领导和专家合影 领导致辞 领导致辞 授课专家
BIG@ Taipei General Veterans Hospital
BIG@ Taipei General Veterans Hospital, Aug 13 2019
BIG@2019 AOCNMB, Shanghai
BIG@2019 AOCNMB, Shanghai, May 9-12 2019
BIG@2019 Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Conference, HK
BIG@2019 Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Conference, HK, April 25-26 2019
Seminar, “Motion Correction in Tomographic Imaging”
Seminar, "Motion Correction in Tomographic Imaging" by Dr Tao SUN, E11-1006, 11:00 am-12:00 pm, April 16, 2019
BIG gathering@Hac Sa Beach, Macau
Biggers gathering@Hac Sa Beach, Macau, Dec. 26, 2018
3rd General Assembly for Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
3rd General Assembly for Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Lotus Hall, Kiang Wu Hospital, 7:45-8:15pm, December 7, 2018
Seminar, “核醫學分子影像精準診治研究”
Seminar, "核醫學分子影像精準診治研究" by Prof. Zhang Hong, Lotus Hall, Kiang Wu Hospital, 6:45-7:45 pm, December 7, 2018
2018 Annual Congress of East Asia Nuclear Medicine Association
2018 Annual Congress of East Asia Nuclear Medicine Association, Nov 17-19 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference
2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, November 10 – 17, 2018, Sydney, Australia
Seminar, “Visualizing diseases and drugs in action for optimized treatment: Applications of molecular imaging in the era of precision medicine”
Seminar, "Visualizing diseases and drugs in action for optimized treatment: Applications of molecular imaging in the era of precision medicine" by Prof. Yiyun Henry Huang, E12-G004, 11:00 am-12:00 pm, October 15, 2018
BIG@2018 SNMMI Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA
BIG@2018 SNMMI Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, June 23-26, 2018
Farewell to Tiantian & Jason!
Farewell to Tiantian & Jason!
2nd General Assembly for Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
2nd General Assembly for Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, E12-G003, 8-8:30pm, November 23, 2017
Seminar, ” 腫瘤靶向分子探針研究及臨床應用 “
Seminar, " 腫瘤靶向分子探針研究及臨床應用 " by Prof. Zhi Yang, E12-G003, 7-8pm, November 23, 2017
2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference
2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, October 21-28, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Farewell to Jeremy!
Farewell to Jeremy!
BIG @ 2017 SNMMI
Tiantian winning 3rd place at CalC YIA Tiantian at CalC YIA International Best Abstract Award
Tiantian winning 1st place @ ANMAF 2017, Shanghai, China BIG@ANMAF 2017, Shanghai, China
Seminar, ” Translational Molecular imaging at MEDISIP, Infinity lab, Molecubes and the IMIT consortium “
Seminar, " Translational Molecular imaging at MEDISIP, Infinity lab, Molecubes and the IMIT consortium " by Prof. Stefaan Vandenberghe , Ghent University, Belgium, E12-G003, 11am-12pm, May 9, 2017
Seminar, ” Recent Development of All-Digital PET Imaging at HUST “
Seminar, " Recent Development of All-Digital PET Imaging at HUST " by Dr. Lu WAN, Huazhong University of Science and Technology , China, E11-4036, 11am-12pm, Feb 10, 2017
BIG congratulations to Cobie, Pengyu & Peter’s graduation!
BIG congratulations to Cobie, Pengyu & Peter's graduation!
1st General Assembly for Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
1st General Assembly for Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, E12-G004, 1:15-2:30pm, November 8, 2016
BIG@2nd Global Conference of Chinese Professionals in Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
BIG@2nd Global Conference of Chinese Professionals in Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Shenzhen, October 28, 2016
29th Annual European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress
29th Annual European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Oct. 15-19, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
Seminar, “Parallel-hole Collimator Concept for Stationary SPECT Imaging”
Seminar, "Parallel-hole Collimator Concept for Stationary SPECT Imaging" by Dr. Lara da Rocha Vaz Pato, Ghent University, Belgium, E11-1036, 11am-12pm, September 6, 2016
BIG alumni gathering@City of Dreams
BIG alumni gathering@City of Dreams, Macau, Aug. 22, 2016.
Leaders and experts of different NM societies celebrating the 60th Anniversary of China Nuclear Medicine
Leaders and experts of different NM societies celebrating the 60th Anniversary of China Nuclear Medicine, May 21, Xian, China
BIG@2nd Asian Nuclear Medicine Academic Forum
BIG@2nd Asian Nuclear Medicine Academic Forum, May 6-7, 2016, Shanghai, China
BIG@PET/MRI workshop
BIG@PET/MRI workshop, University of Chicago Center in HK, Cyberport, HK, April 25-26, 2016
Seminar, “Ultrasound-based Measurement and Imaging of Soft Tissue Elasticity: Introduction of Techniques and Applications”
Seminar, "Ultrasound-based Measurement and Imaging of Soft Tissue Elasticity: Introduction of Techniques and Applications" by Dr. Yan-Ping HUANG, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, E11-1036, 11:45am-12:45pm, April 2, 2016
BIG & friends from FHS/ICMS gathered after GE Infinia Hawkeye SPECT/CT scanner installed
BIG & friends from FHS/ICMS gathered after GE Infinia Hawkeye SPECT/CT scanner installed in March, 2016
Seminar, “An Automatic Software for Quantitative Analysis in Nuclear Medicine Brain Imaging: Expert System for 99mTc-TRODAT-1”
Seminar, "An Automatic Software for Quantitative Analysis in Nuclear Medicine Brain Imaging: Expert System for 99mTc-TRODAT-1" by Prof. Tung-Hsin Wu, Professor, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, E11-3033, [...]
Seminar, “Translational Molecular Imaging – from Bench to Bedside”
Seminar, "Translational Molecular Imaging – from Bench to Bedside" by Prof. Ren-Shyan LIU, Chairman & Professor, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, School of Biomedical Science and Engineering, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, E11-1043, [...]
Seminar, “Quantitative 4D Cardiac PET Image Reconstruction Methods for Image Quality Improvement and Quantitative Cardiac Motion Estimation”
Seminar, "Quantitative 4D Cardiac PET Image Reconstruction Methods for Image Quality Improvement and Quantitative Cardiac Motion Estimation" by Prof. Benjamin M. W. Tsui, Director & Professor, Division of Medical Imaging Physics, The Russell H. Morgan [...]
28th Annual European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress
28th Annual European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Oct 10-14, 2015, Hamburg, Germany
Have a great time in UK, Kami!
Have a great time in UK, Kami!
Phantom experiment @ Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Phantom experiment @ Taipei Veterans General Hospital, July 29, 2015
3rd Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop
3rd Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop, Coloane, Macau, July 25, 2015
BIG@Shanghai,March 16, 2015
Congrats to Edwin for this honorary graduation!
Congrats to Edwin for this honorary graduation!
2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference
2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Nov. 8-15, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, USA
BIG group @ Wu Yee Sun Library, University of Macau
BIG group @ Wu Yee Sun Library, University of Macau, Hengqing, Macau, Oct. 11, 2014
2nd Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop
2nd Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop, Coloane, Macau, July 26, 2014
Bon Voyage, Tao!
Bon Voyage, Tao!
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Oct. 27 - Nov. 2, COEX, Seoul, Korea
Seminar, “From PET/CT to PET/MR: An advance in hybrid imaging?”
Seminar, "From PET/CT to PET/MR: An advance in hybrid imaging?" by Prof. David W. Townsend, Director, A*STAR-NUS Clinical Imaging Research Center, Singapore, J213, 4:30pm-5:30pm, August 8, 2013
1st Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop
1st Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop, Cheoc Van, Macau, July 11-12, 2013 13
1st Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop
1st Macau Biomedical Imaging Research Workshop
2013 Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
2013 Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, June 8-12, 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Graduate Statue
Graduate Statue, University of Macau, Taipa, Macau, Jan 29th, 2013
Seminar, “Color War – The Next Era of X-ray Computed Tomography?”
Seminar, "Color War - The Next Era of X-ray Computed Tomography?" by Dr. Xiaolan Wang, Toshiba Medical Research Institute, USA, J323, 11am-12pm, December 6, 2012
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 2012, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, CA, USA
Biomedical Imaging Student Seminar Day
Biomedical Imaging Student Seminar Day, JM11, 4-6:30pm, Sept. 14th, 2012
Seminar, “MR Thermometry: Principle, Technique and Application”
Seminar, "MR Thermometry: Principle, Technique and Application" by Dr. Jing Yuan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HG01, 3-4pm, April 27, 2012
Seminar, “Quantitative Emission Tomography”
Seminar, "Quantitative Emission Tomography" by Dr. Yong Du, Johns Hopkins University, USA, HG01, 11am-12pm, July 25, 2011
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